Thursday, 21 July 2011

Youths –boys and girls – are escaping from their liabilities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I am not talking about 100 % of the youth s.  But majority of the young generation is trying to escape from their liabilities. The result of the escape from the liabilities comes to bed end. From the beginning let us take an example of education. The young generation is not fully trustworthy that they             are studying ,they are wondering here and there. Killing time. And spoiling their life by wondering here and there.  The same thing happens in their service and job they are performing. The carelessness of this behavior effects their life. So  far the social liabilities are concerned they are not trying to be faithfully towards their parents, brothers , sisters and even their life partners also. They are not taking proper care of their family members. They are not earning satisfactorily ,they are vesting money in the group of friends .They are passing their time before T.V. cinemas, hotels and restaurants   and depending on parent’s money Their  requirements increases day by day and the prices of their requirement is also increasing hence the economical problem increases and they have to suffer a lot. Ultimately they are ruining their life. Few of the youths are becoming drunkards and they are playing cards etc. This  type of behavior creates quarrels in the family and family disputes increases and as a result of this habit they are trying to ruin their life as well as they family member’s life also. This only happens only in the presence of negative thinking. The young should think positive and should try to become healthy, wealthy and wise  For information I am not Sadhu, Sant,  or  philosopher  that is giving this type of advise but it is because I have seen in my life .I am a common man trying to say something which I Like the best  idea of positive thinking. Never think negative.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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