R E L A T I O N B E T W E E N W A T E R A N D F I R E WATER AND FIRE are the element of the nature and both are having their own dignity. Both are working jointly as well as separately. There are lots of controversy over the leadership We are getting surprise that there more than one type of fire , each will be discussed later on but now we are here to discuse about the relation between water and fire. As stated above water is an element of the nature and comes from the cloud Atmosphere in the form of rain. It provides life to human body as well as animals foods trees animal living in the water itself and so on. Now looking towards the chemical composition of the water 2 parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. So naturally being compound how it is coming under the formulae of element. As we are familiar that human body is made of five elements namely water ,fire ,earth , sky, air, are the elements of human body governing the life of human body? Once there was heavy fire in the area say of big metro city . As it was heavy fire it could not be stopped at once and many lives were effected and government along with the local authority tried to control the fire with the help of fire extingulators.But wind was supporting fire to expand. At that time fire fighter used to throw water over fire constantly and after some time the fire was under control then the authority became cam to control and got satisfaction th at they controlled the fire with the help of water. In this case of fire the water control over the fire is more. As it stopped to proceed more and more. We are suffering from fever and that time our caretaker usises or rubbing water or Ice over our Head to control the fever. This is also a case of water control over fire is found. Looking to the next example a tree is three years old and the owner of the tree is nourishing the tree regularly. giving regularly requirement of water. But once his son by mistake gave full flow of water up to 24 hours. And Very shortly the tree was of no use. It was burnt by the heat of internal heat of water. In this case the heat-fire-gets control over the water .Say reversed the the case. As you are aware that all the five element and its discussion within short time or in a single page is not possible and advisable too. For this we will discuss in details if demands are creating I will try to write on the subject like types of fire-there more than seven types of fire available on the earth but we are only familier with the fire of one or two types only.waiting for demands of the supporters only .
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