Now we are talking about an advantage of communication .To start with the subject it is necessary for us to go back i.e. before thousands of years. And at that time the mode of communication was of which type. It was found that at that time communication was done with the help of birds and the reply was also been received by the same birds .And it was useful for lover who can use the birds as communication instrument. Then development in the communication took place and man with horses was used to give and to take the messages in the form of written statement. The process was taking too much time. Compared with the earlier type used .local communication was done through man to man i.e. messanger was used for local communication. Then development in the communication took place and bicycle was used for it and it was used to communicate the message from one village to another .Then it was found that for communication time was taking major factor for communication and to minimize the time factor. The government took the decision to Establish communication department and they started post department and started communication with the help of post card and the department made some arrangement for posting and for receiving process. Local delivery post man was working to deliver the local post and from village to village and it was found useful for the public. And then Bus services and Railway services started and government used the MAIL for communication. Even today we are having railway train Mail/Express. The Word used for the communication was mail. And communication was somehow speedy and local delivery of post became somewhat speedy .Then wireless phone was introduced and the police department was using wireless phones and they were using to dectect tAhe crime. Then postal department insulted telegram process through which the message was convayed through telegraph and mainly it was used in the railway department and for local person who want to use telegram process they had to go to telegraph department’s office for communication. There after railway introduce phone facility for communication and due to this phone facilities was found time saver for communication. Thereafter phone facilities was used for long time for communication and demand of phone was increased and government produced the no of phones directly and through private company and it was known as landline. Again development took place and landline was developed into coin box type phone and for the benefit of the public coin box phone was not enough for communication then further development took place and Mobile phone was introduced. Initially mobile phone was for the purpose of communication only but due to advanced technology we are having number of varieties in mobiles and number of facilities in our mobiles .Now a days we are having latest mobiles in which we are having lots of facilities like. T.V.,COMPUTER., CALCULATOR,INTERNET, ETC. facilities are available on our mobile and we are getting advantage of phone for several functions. Even to day phone is used as remote control for various functions in the factories. As the mobile facilities increasing, the use of post and telegraph department getting huge advantage and looses customers and its services. So the government has to think about the department. As stated earlier communication was a time killing process and the communication was slow but as the technology develops the advantages increases and the communication gap decreases. It is but obvious that thanks due to the development of science and technology and development of public in numbers and in technics adopted by the public.
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