Tuesday, 12 April 2011

How Vaastu Works

hi,my name is SHARAD BHATT.i am a qualified,knowledgeable and passionate about indian mythology,astrology,vastu,naturopathy,water therapy,shivambu(self urine therapy) and music.i have lots of knowledge about astrology,vastu,indian mythology and other things,i want to work professionally in the jungle of internet and help spread the knowledge about astrology,vastu,indian mythology and other things.below is my 2nd article.these are free services but if you want more personal and detailed knowledge about the things that i have mentioned above,please free to contact me on my e-mails:-
 and my moblie no:-93742-73754


**How Vaastu Works

It is interesting to note that an imbalance of these elements in the Nature cycle can create calamities like earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoons, tornados, floods or a famine, such an imbalance can cause physical, mental or emotional upheaval in one's life.

Vaastu (vastu) diktats help in achieving harmony between external energies such as heat, light, sound and so on which we are constantly receiving from our surroundings and internal energies that are commonly routed through our diet, sleeping habits and above all our thought process. A dissonance in internal energies reflects on our physical experience but mental unrest. When the internal and external are balanced, health, wealth and happiness unfolds.

The layout of the house and the orientation of furniture play a vital role in receiving external energies. Following shall be the location of :underground water tank in the north-east, kitchen in the south-east, master bedroom in the south-west, the children's bedroom in the north-west and the drawing and dining areas towards the center of the house.

An obvious question evolving at this stage would be: if the rooms are not as per the configuration mentioned how does it affect the flow of energies?

Without getting into the nitty-gritty, if the antenna of your television set is not aligned to the relay station, how can you expect a clear picture? If you expand this concept to larger scale the tenets of Vaastu become perceptibly clearer. Elaborating further, when we sleep with our head towards the north, since, our head is considered the north of the body, there is repulsion between similar poles (Theory of Magnetism). The effect can be experienced physically as low or high blood pressure, insomnia, or a high level of cholesterol, signifying that our body is becoming vulnerable to minor blood disorders, which can be reduced by reversing the head position to the south.

To summaries one can say that by following the Ten Commandments of Vaastu (vastu) we can utilise our optimal potential which leads us to harmony and success.

How Naturopathy Works?

hi,my name is SHARAD BHATT.i am a qualified,knowledgeable and passionate about indian mythology,astrology,vastu,naturopathy water therapy,shivambu(self urine therapy) and music.i have lots of knowledge about astrology,vastu,indian mythology and other things,i want to work professionally in the jungle of internet and help spread the knowledge about astrology,vastu,indian mythology and other things.below is my 2nd article.these are free services but if you want more personal and detailed knowledge about the things that i have mentioned above,please free to contact me on my e-mails:-
 and my moblie no:-93742-73754


Naturopathy works on simple rule without using modern medicines and as discussed this holistic healing science works and believes on the thumb rule that body has capacity to heal itself in the right environment and within moderate lifestyle. This integrated and essential natural holistic science combines different modalities of other holistic healing sciences that use natural herbs to induce the cure.

The right technique of naturopathy works with several integrated sciences along with naturopathy accompanied by right diet, changed lifestyle and using herbal medicines. It is also recognized as alternative medicinal process which is all natural and assures to control & cease different illnesses without any downside.

Naturopathy mainly uses herbal medicines, raw vegetables, fluids and fruits during the process of healing session for which it need active digestive system. Naturopaths observed vast improvement in patients of constipation, diarrhea and obesity. This potent method of cleansing help in making body free from all toxins that get accumulated in body parts directly or indirectly via food.

basically naturopathy is an act of balancing of PANCHTATVA.
now what PANCHTATVA means.PANCHTATVA means a 5 tatvas  which are mention below:-

Naturopathy effectively and safely cures the ailments related to stomach, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, heart diseases, obesity, mental disorder, stress, tension and anxiety. Since naturopathy relies only on natural things like medicines, fruits, water and vegetables and herbs, it is safe for everybody and for every disease.